Please click on the links below for some information you may find helpful if you are new to St Mary's or thinking of applying for a place at our school.
School Applications
Children come to St Mary's from a wide area surrounding Frensham. Historically pupils' addresses have been in Frensham, Lower Bourne, Central Farnham, Boundstone, Wrecclesham, South Farnham, Tilford, Churt, Badshot Lea and Headley Down. We would be delighted to show you around our school, please make an appointment with the school office to come and meet our Headteacher Mrs Allan and the children.
Each year we take in children from many preschools, nurseries, playgroups and day-care facilities and liaise with new pupils' key workers before they start school.
We welcome applications from families of all faiths and those of none.
Click here to access the full Admissions Policy for 2025
Click here to access the Supplementary Information Form for 2025
Click here to access the full Admissions Policy for 2024
Click here to access the Supplementary Information Form for 2024
Governors of Aided schools are responsible in law for the admission of pupils.
Education legislation provides that parents must be given the chance to express their preference for a school. The governors must comply with that expressed preference unless there are insufficient places available. For these reasons, the Governing Body of St Mary’s has framed an Admissions Policy. The policy is subject to review from time to time.
Statutory Consultation
In accordance with DfE requirements to formally consult on admissions arrangements every 7 years, our Admissions Policy 2026-2027 is now out for consultation. There are no changes to our current arrangements.
This consultation will run from to 8th October to 29th November 2024. Any comments on the consultation can be sent to the School Office at Please click on the links below to read the documentation relevant to this consultation:
Admissions Arrangements 2026 - 2027
Supplementary Information Form
Admission dates
All applications for admission into the Reception Year for the academic year beginning September 2025 must be received by 15th January 2025
Where necessary, the St. Mary’s Supplementary Information form must be returned to the school by the same date. LA forms should be returned directly to Surrey County Council, if you are not applying on line. Parents will be informed in writing of the outcome of their application on the 16th April 2025. The closing date for application and the nominated date for notification of a place are in accordance with the LA’s co-ordinated admissions policy.
Applications that are late, (received after the closing date), will be treated in accordance with Surrey’s co-ordinated scheme.
Admission Numbers
As a voluntary aided school, the governors are the Admission Authority and have agreed a Published Admission Number (PAN) of 30 for each year group with the Local Authority.
Start Dates
Children begin school in the September after their fourth birthday. Parents have the right to defer entry until the term after the child has reached statutory school age. Parents should consult with the headteacher if they are considering deferring entry or full time entry. Parents may request that their child takes up their place part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age, i.e. the term after their fifth birthday.
Summer born children: Should your child attain statutory school age between April 1st and August 31st and you do not wish your child to start school within that academic year, a separate application would need to be made at the appropriate time. Parents can seek places outside of their child's normal age group. Decisions will be made on the basis of the circumstances of each case.
Forms to complete
In order to apply for a place it is necessary to complete two forms:
Information on Surrey County Council's admission process can be found online at:
Map of Parish Boundary
Please click here to view the map of the Parish of Frensham and Dockenfield. Please use the website link below to check your address:
Junior Schools
St Mary's is a named feeder school to both South Farnham School in Farnham and Waverley Abbey Church of England Junior School at Tilford and the majority of our children transition to these schools. A few move to the independent sector and we have sent children to Edgeborough, Frensham Heights and St Edmunds in recent years.
In-Year Applications
In-year applciations should be made directly to the school. All parents have the right to make an in-year application. Surrey County Council's Fair Access Protocol is followed in all circumstances. Please complete the In-Year Application form found here:
Parents will be notified of the outcome of any application for an in-year place within 10 school days, and 15 days at the latest, setting out the reason for refusal (if a place cannot be offered) and right of appeal.
Information about in year applications can be found here:
Special Educational Needs
In accordance with s. 324 Education Act 1996, St Mary’s will automatically admit a child with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) which names the school. This is not an over-subscription criterion.
Children of UK service personnel and crown servants
The Admission Authority will use the address at which a service child or child of a crown servant will live, as long as the parents provide some evidence of the intended address; or to use a Unit or quartering address as the child's home address where a parent requests this.
Right of Appeal
In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, parents whose children are refused admission to the School have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. Should you wish to appeal this will be handled by Surrey County Council's Appeals Service. Click here for Surrey County Council appeal information. Any appeal resulting from an application for a place in September 2025 has to be lodged with Surrey County Council by 20th May 2025 and would be heard by 22nd July 2025.
Waiting List for children who started school prior to 2024
The waiting list will operate as follows:
Parents who wish their children to be included on St Mary’s School waiting list must inform the school in writing. Please note Surrey County Council require that St Mary’s is one of your preferences on the Common Application Form.
The order of applicants on the waiting list is in accordance with the criteria in the admissions policy.
No account is taken of the length of time on the waiting list to determine an applicant’s place in the priority order.
Places will be offered to the applicant at the top of the waiting list on the date the place becomes available.
Parents with a child on the waiting list should contact the school before the end of the school year if they wish to remain on the list. The school will review and revise the waiting list at the end of each school year.
Surrey County Council's Home to School Transport Policy
Surrey's policy for mainstream students, which sets out which children will be eligible for free transport to school is available at: Entitlement to free home to school transport is not linked to the school's admissions policy but is based on statutory eligibility criteria.