Here is another rendition of our Year 2 Woodpecker children performing 'London is London'. They performed at the Farnham Schools Confederation Farnham's Got Talent competition held at Weydon School and were runners up with a Rising Star Award.
Christmas 2021
Christmas 2020
Sadly restrictions prevented us from our usual end of term service at St Mary's Church but we still managed to create many happy festive memories at school including carol singing around the Christmas tree in the playground.
Summer term 2020
St Mary's children sing Count on Me to mark the end of the summer term in July 2020 - a song that captures the importance of friendship even in times when we cannot always be together.
Happy Easter St Mary's! 2020
Although school was closed, the staff had fun putting together this video to wish everyone in the St Mary's school community a very happy Easter!
Farnham's Got TalenT 2020
No Farnham's Got Talent this year but our Woodpeckers had worked very hard on their 60's inspired song from the musical 'Hairspray'. They were able to perform it to the whole school just before we closed on Friday. We hope you enjoy it!
Congratulations to the Woodpecker team who won 'Farnham's Got Talent' in April '19. They performed 'The Lonely Goatherd' from The Sound of Music extremely well as you can see in the video! Thanks to Mrs Dodgson and Mrs Molay who devised the routine and rehearsed the children, and to all the staff who helped make the costumes.
We were very proud of Elodie from Woodpecker Class when she represented the school at our Confederation Talent Show in 2018. Her performance of a song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory earned her the Rising Star award.