Before and After School

At St Mary's we have skills based clubs starting at 8am Monday - Friday. 

These are: 


Mondays:      Dance with Lauren Hillman

Tuesdays:      Multi-Sports with our Chelsea coaches

Wednesdays: French with Vernonique and Elisabeth of Frenchtastic

Thursdays:    Karate with Corin Pegden of Surrey Karate

Friday:          French with Elisabeth of Frenchtastic


The children transfer from their club into class at 8.40am. 


Booking forms/links are available from the school office. 


Our after school care is provided by New Forest Childcare.   The children have time to relax and play both inside and outside and undertake a variety of activities led by Jo and Anita. Healthy snacks are provided.  The sessions run each day from the end of school until 6pm.    Please visit our page on the New Forest Childcare website to register your child with them and book sessions:

Sessions can be booked ad-hoc or regularly. 



Holiday care is  offered by a number of organisations locally and an internet search will find day or week long holiday camps specialising in sport, drama, art and wildlife.  We will send home details of these clubs which we receive in school, and the following SCC website is a guide to questions to ask when choosing holiday play schemes: 
