The relationship between parents and school is vital. We value the key role of parents in their children's education. Joint working between home and school leads to much better outcomes for pupils. We communicate with parents face to face in Parent Consultations in the Autumn and Spring Term and more informally arranged meetings. We hold workshop meetings when class teachers inform parents about our current curriculum and methods of teaching. The headteacher sends regular newsletters which are distributed either by email or paper when required. Our website is regularly updated and each class shares photographs and news weekly. The website incorporates a password protected VLE and children are encouraged to log in at home and complete tasks,learn spellings and discuss topics in forums etc. The school also has a Facebook page. Emails to parents or class groups are a much used form of communication and occasionally messages are sent via the school app. The headteacher is at the playground gate greeting parents and children at the beginning and end of the day whenever she is available to do so. Parents are able to arrange meetings with their child's teacher before and after school.
We are delighted to welcome into school parents who are willing to talk to the children about their jobs - we have had talks from, for example policemen, dentists, doctors and vets. Parents from other cultural and ethnic backgrounds are asked if they would like to talk about their country of birth and we have enjoyed assemblies on countries including the USA, France, Norway, Estonia, Gambia, Malaysia, South Africa and the Czech Republic.
Parents are invited to attend school productions and class assemblies.
A written annual report is sent home in the summer term, and information about children's attainment and progress is shared with parents at Parents' Evenings.
Parental Engagement
We are grateful to parents for help they give the school, whether this is a regular event or a single occasion. Ways in which parents help include:
Parents who wish to help in school or on visits are asked to be DBS checked.
Friends of St Mary's (FOSMS)
This is our Parent Teacher Association, and is very active, holding social events such as Curry Nights, Fun Runs, class meals out for parents and holding fund raising events such as the Christmas Fayre and Quiz Night. All parents are members, with some holding committee positions. FOSMS have a separate page on this website detailing their activities.
At St. Mary’s our staff are committed to providing a high quality education to your child, and constantly improving their learning. We aim to work harmoniously with parents/carers in the best interests of their children and to deal with any issues that may arise in a prompt and professional manner. Where appropriate we use concerns as a stimulus for improvement.
Parents have a right to expect the best for their children and they have a right to express their concerns but, at the same time, teachers and pupils must be allowed to work and learn in a safe and secure environment.
Parents are encouraged to liaise with the class teacher initially, outside teaching hours at a mutually agreed time. The next step would be to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher which can be arranged by calling the school office.