Please click on the links below for some information you may find helpful if you are new to St Mary's or thinking of applying for a place at our school.
Please visit the Admissions page under Key Information for our current Admissions Policy and further information for prospective parents.
School Hours
Children may arrive at school through the playground gate from 8.30am when they go straight into their classroom. Registration is at 8:40am. The school day finishes at 3.10pm, please come into the playground to collect your child from their classroom door. Please leave promptly to enable another parent to park.
A copy of the school Attendance Policy can be found under School Policies. The link between school attendance and academic, social and wellbeing outcomes for children are well documented; excellent school attendance is therefore very important to all staff at St Mary's and we work alongside families and the Surrey County Council Inclusion Service to achieve this.
Tips for Supporting Your Child's Attendance
Surrey County Council Inclusion Service
Information for New Reception Parents (Goldfinches)
At St Mary's we understand that starting school is an exciting time but that children (and parents!) may also feel a little nervous. therefore, we have designed our Induction programme for new entrants to give families several opportunities to visit the school and become familiar with the setting and staff.
We feel that this helps children to settle successfully and happily in September when they join us. Our induction events include:
During the Summer Term, our Reception Teacher liaises with each child's preschool or nusery for relevant handover and pastoral information. All children start school full time in September; we usualy have two intakes of children and their start date will depend on their date of birth. Soon after joining in September, we will hold a 'Meet the Teacher' session in school for new parents and our Year 2 Class host a 'Welcome to St Mary's' evening social event.
Home / School Partnership
We aim to establish and promote a close relationship with all parents, in the interests of their children. We recognise that children will feel more secure when they receive consistent messages from both home and school.
At St Mary’s School we endeavour to keep parents informed of all aspects of school life through:
Meet the Teacher sessions in the Autumn Term
Our school website
Parents’ evenings held in the Autumn and Spring terms
Open afternoon for children and parents in the Summer term
Regular newsletters
After-school teacher consultation time (by appointment)
Before Your Child Starts School
Office Staff
Mrs Katie Dodgson and Mrs Angela Hawkins are our School Secretaries and your first point of contact until your child starts school. They will be very glad to answer any queries you may have. Please contact them through the School Office at 01252 792406 or Mrs Nicola Scanlon is our School Business Manager.
Our school uniform policy can be found here. We run occasional 'nearly new' sales, which is an excellent way of picking up good quality, good value uniform.
Please name every item, whether a daily essential such as sweatshirts, or things which are needed occasionally, such as wellington boots, snackboxes and sun hats. Name tapes can be ordered from Brenda’s Schoolwear in Frimley Road, Camberley. We do not recommend biro as it quickly fades. Please name school jumpers, coats, etc in the neck, so identifying them is easy for staff.
Equipment needed for school
Your child will not require a pencil case for school.
In Goldfinches, 'homework' is kept to the minimum, so that the children can go home and play, have dinner and get a good night's sleep ready for school the next day. We would encourage you to…
Share their Reading Book with them daily.
Help them learn their set of words and sounds.
Enjoy their library book with them during the week.
The school operates a secure site. Children are dropped off and collected from school via the playground gate. A fire drill is held once a term and the children assemble on the green. Governors regularly carry out site inspections and review security procedures. All visitors are asked to report to the School Office upon arrival.
Your Child’s Health and Wellbeing
Your child's safety and wellbing are our priority. Children learn best when they are fit and well. Therefore, please do not send your child to school if they are ill and inform the School Office by phone or email before 9:15am. Also, if there are any circumstances which are likely to affect your child’s well-being, please inform the school so we can offer you and your child the appropriate support.
Safeguarding/Child Protection
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment. The school has a policy for safeguarding and child protection which is available on this website under Our School/Policies and Forms. A paper copy would be available from the school office on request.
Lunch Time Clubs
The following clubs are run by teachers during lunchtime and there is no charge:
Papercraft Club
Gardening Club
We also have lunchtime clubs run by external providers for Year 1 and Year 2 for which there is a charge.
Chelsea Football Club - Reception Children can join the football club in the summer term. Places are limited in number, and applications are accepted in date order.
Spanish - run by Perfecto Spanish
PE and Games Curriculum
The Governing Body are legally required to provide 10% of teaching time as non contact time for teaching staff, to enable them to work on curriculum planning, preparation and assessments.
To deliver some of this non-contact time we employ a qualified sports coach who teaches part of our PE curriculum each Tuesday morning. Each class has a 50 minute session. The class teacher teaches one other PE lesson a week, either dance or gymnastics, depending on the half term planning.
School Events
In addition to our enriched curriculum, we are commmitted to giving the children an enhanced experience during their time with us and are very proud of our school traditions:
School Worship – all parents and carers are invited to our end of term services in St. Mary’s Church, and occasionally you will be invited to share one of your child's Acts of Worship in school
Helping in School
We are very fortunate to be supported by our parent and carer community for many of our lovely events and activities. Please speak to the School Office or your child's teacher if you would like to help as a regular volunteer in school for reading, forest school or school trips. We require that all parent helpers have been cleared by the Disclosure and Barring Service, DBS (previously known as CRB). Please contact the School Office.
Your Child’s Progress
If you want to speak to your child’s teachers about their progress, or indeed any other matter, they will be happy to see you after school. Mrs Allan is also happy to make appointments to see you at a mutually convenient time. You will also be invited to Parent Evenings for an individual discussion with the Class Teacher during the Autumn and Spring terms.
We hold an Open Afternoon in the Summer term when your child acts as your guide, showing work folders and displays in their current class and taking you to visit their next classroom. You will receive a written annual report at the end of the summer term.
FOSMS - Friend's of St Mary's School
We have a very active and sociable PTA known as FOSMS. Meetings are held regularly and all parents and carers are welcome. Do try to come along as it's a great way of being involved with the school and hearing about and / or helping organise the social events. FOSMS raise funds for the school and runs a number of events such as the Christmas Fayre, quiz nights and curry nights. These are always enjoyable and provide a great opportunity for meeting other parents and staff. We are currently undertaking a big fundraising initiative for a play ground refurbishment in Sopring 2025 and would love your support. For more information about FOSMS click here.
Children, of statutory school age, living a distance of two miles or more and for whom St Mary’s is the nearest school, are entitled to free transport to and from school. In addition, some children living within two miles may be transported as a concession by the County. Details will be given by the Education Call Centre, Tel: 08456 009 009.
Parental Concerns
Complaints Procedure summary
From time to time you may have a query or worry about an aspect of your child’s schooling. What can you do?
We expect all our pupils, staff and parents to listen carefully and respectfully to each other.
In the first instance, any concerns should be discussed with your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.
Where you are unable to resolve the concern with the class teacher you should contact the Headteacher .
In the unlikely event that a complaint has not been addressed to your satisfaction you should contact the Chair of Governors.
A formal complaint in writing to the Governing Body via the Chair should be made if the issue remains unresolved, when it will be addressed by a small panel of Governors.
Should the issue still remain, a formal complaint may be made directly to the Education Committee by contacting the Director of Education on 08456 009 009.
More information about the Complaints Process is available in this comprehensive guidance booklet: Responding to Concerns about Surrey County Council Schools: a guide for parents, carers and the general public
Our Governors wish to point out that the children are not insured during school hours, except in the case of negligence. What this means in effect is that the situation is the same as when children are at home or are visiting friends and relations. There are insurance companies who provide schemes which give continuous protection 24 hours a day which do not depend upon proving negligence by a third party.
Please click on the links below for some information you may find helpful if you are new to St Mary's or thinking of applying for a place at our school.
Please visit the Admissions page under Key Information for our current Admissions Policy and further information for prospective parents.
School Hours
Children may arrive at school through the playground gate from 8.30am when they go straight into their classroom. Registration is at 8:40am. The school day finishes at 3.10pm, please come into the playground to collect your child from their classroom door. Please leave promptly to enable another parent to park.
A copy of the school Attendance Policy can be found under School Policies. The link between school attendance and academic, social and wellbeing outcomes for children are well documented; excellent school attendance is therefore very important to all staff at St Mary's and we work alongside families and the Surrey County Council Inclusion Service to achieve this.
Tips for Supporting Your Child's Attendance
Surrey County Council Inclusion Service
Information for New Reception Parents (Goldfinches)
At St Mary's we understand that starting school is an exciting time but that children (and parents!) may also feel a little nervous. therefore, we have designed our Induction programme for new entrants to give families several opportunities to visit the school and become familiar with the setting and staff.
We feel that this helps children to settle successfully and happily in September when they join us. Our induction events include:
During the Summer Term, our Reception Teacher liaises with each child's preschool or nusery for relevant handover and pastoral information. All children start school full time in September; we usualy have two intakes of children and their start date will depend on their date of birth. Soon after joining in September, we will hold a 'Meet the Teacher' session in school for new parents and our Year 2 Class host a 'Welcome to St Mary's' evening social event.
Home / School Partnership
We aim to establish and promote a close relationship with all parents, in the interests of their children. We recognise that children will feel more secure when they receive consistent messages from both home and school.
At St Mary’s School we endeavour to keep parents informed of all aspects of school life through:
Meet the Teacher sessions in the Autumn Term
Our school website
Parents’ evenings held in the Autumn and Spring terms
Open afternoon for children and parents in the Summer term
Regular newsletters
After-school teacher consultation time (by appointment)
Before Your Child Starts School
Office Staff
Mrs Katie Dodgson and Mrs Angela Hawkins are our School Secretaries and your first point of contact until your child starts school. They will be very glad to answer any queries you may have. Please contact them through the School Office at 01252 792406 or Mrs Nicola Scanlon is our School Business Manager.
Our school uniform policy can be found here. We run occasional 'nearly new' sales, which is an excellent way of picking up good quality, good value uniform.
Please name every item, whether a daily essential such as sweatshirts, or things which are needed occasionally, such as wellington boots, snackboxes and sun hats. Name tapes can be ordered from Brenda’s Schoolwear in Frimley Road, Camberley. We do not recommend biro as it quickly fades. Please name school jumpers, coats, etc in the neck, so identifying them is easy for staff.
Equipment needed for school
Your child will not require a pencil case for school.
In Goldfinches, 'homework' is kept to the minimum, so that the children can go home and play, have dinner and get a good night's sleep ready for school the next day. We would encourage you to…
Share their Reading Book with them daily.
Help them learn their set of words and sounds.
Enjoy their library book with them during the week.
The school operates a secure site. Children are dropped off and collected from school via the playground gate. A fire drill is held once a term and the children assemble on the green. Governors regularly carry out site inspections and review security procedures. All visitors are asked to report to the School Office upon arrival.
Your Child’s Health and Wellbeing
Your child's safety and wellbing are our priority. Children learn best when they are fit and well. Therefore, please do not send your child to school if they are ill and inform the School Office by phone or email before 9:15am. Also, if there are any circumstances which are likely to affect your child’s well-being, please inform the school so we can offer you and your child the appropriate support.
Safeguarding/Child Protection
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment. The school has a policy for safeguarding and child protection which is available on this website under Our School/Policies and Forms. A paper copy would be available from the school office on request.
Lunch Time Clubs
The following clubs are run by teachers during lunchtime and there is no charge:
Papercraft Club
Gardening Club
We also have lunchtime clubs run by external providers for Year 1 and Year 2 for which there is a charge.
Chelsea Football Club - Reception Children can join the football club in the summer term. Places are limited in number, and applications are accepted in date order.
Spanish - run by Perfecto Spanish
PE and Games Curriculum
The Governing Body are legally required to provide 10% of teaching time as non contact time for teaching staff, to enable them to work on curriculum planning, preparation and assessments.
To deliver some of this non-contact time we employ a qualified sports coach who teaches part of our PE curriculum each Tuesday morning. Each class has a 50 minute session. The class teacher teaches one other PE lesson a week, either dance or gymnastics, depending on the half term planning.
School Events
In addition to our enriched curriculum, we are commmitted to giving the children an enhanced experience during their time with us and are very proud of our school traditions:
School Worship – all parents and carers are invited to our end of term services in St. Mary’s Church, and occasionally you will be invited to share one of your child's Acts of Worship in school
Helping in School
We are very fortunate to be supported by our parent and carer community for many of our lovely events and activities. Please speak to the School Office or your child's teacher if you would like to help as a regular volunteer in school for reading, forest school or school trips. We require that all parent helpers have been cleared by the Disclosure and Barring Service, DBS (previously known as CRB). Please contact the School Office.
Your Child’s Progress
If you want to speak to your child’s teachers about their progress, or indeed any other matter, they will be happy to see you after school. Mrs Allan is also happy to make appointments to see you at a mutually convenient time. You will also be invited to Parent Evenings for an individual discussion with the Class Teacher during the Autumn and Spring terms.
We hold an Open Afternoon in the Summer term when your child acts as your guide, showing work folders and displays in their current class and taking you to visit their next classroom. You will receive a written annual report at the end of the summer term.
FOSMS - Friend's of St Mary's School
We have a very active and sociable PTA known as FOSMS. Meetings are held regularly and all parents and carers are welcome. Do try to come along as it's a great way of being involved with the school and hearing about and / or helping organise the social events. FOSMS raise funds for the school and runs a number of events such as the Christmas Fayre, quiz nights and curry nights. These are always enjoyable and provide a great opportunity for meeting other parents and staff. We are currently undertaking a big fundraising initiative for a play ground refurbishment in Sopring 2025 and would love your support. For more information about FOSMS click here.
Children, of statutory school age, living a distance of two miles or more and for whom St Mary’s is the nearest school, are entitled to free transport to and from school. In addition, some children living within two miles may be transported as a concession by the County. Details will be given by the Education Call Centre, Tel: 08456 009 009.
Parental Concerns
Complaints Procedure summary
From time to time you may have a query or worry about an aspect of your child’s schooling. What can you do?
We expect all our pupils, staff and parents to listen carefully and respectfully to each other.
In the first instance, any concerns should be discussed with your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.
Where you are unable to resolve the concern with the class teacher you should contact the Headteacher .
In the unlikely event that a complaint has not been addressed to your satisfaction you should contact the Chair of Governors.
A formal complaint in writing to the Governing Body via the Chair should be made if the issue remains unresolved, when it will be addressed by a small panel of Governors.
Should the issue still remain, a formal complaint may be made directly to the Education Committee by contacting the Director of Education on 08456 009 009.
More information about the Complaints Process is available in this comprehensive guidance booklet: Responding to Concerns about Surrey County Council Schools: a guide for parents, carers and the general public
Our Governors wish to point out that the children are not insured during school hours, except in the case of negligence. What this means in effect is that the situation is the same as when children are at home or are visiting friends and relations. There are insurance companies who provide schemes which give continuous protection 24 hours a day which do not depend upon proving negligence by a third party.
Please click on the links below for some information you may find helpful if you are new to St Mary's or thinking of applying for a place at our school.
Please visit the Admissions page under Key Information for our current Admissions Policy and further information for prospective parents.
School Hours
Children may arrive at school through the playground gate from 8.30am when they go straight into their classroom. Registration is at 8:40am. The school day finishes at 3.10pm, please come into the playground to collect your child from their classroom door. Please leave promptly to enable another parent to park.
A copy of the school Attendance Policy can be found under School Policies. The link between school attendance and academic, social and wellbeing outcomes for children are well documented; excellent school attendance is therefore very important to all staff at St Mary's and we work alongside families and the Surrey County Council Inclusion Service to achieve this.
Tips for Supporting Your Child's Attendance
Surrey County Council Inclusion Service
Information for New Reception Parents (Goldfinches)
At St Mary's we understand that starting school is an exciting time but that children (and parents!) may also feel a little nervous. therefore, we have designed our Induction programme for new entrants to give families several opportunities to visit the school and become familiar with the setting and staff.
We feel that this helps children to settle successfully and happily in September when they join us. Our induction events include:
During the Summer Term, our Reception Teacher liaises with each child's preschool or nusery for relevant handover and pastoral information. All children start school full time in September; we usualy have two intakes of children and their start date will depend on their date of birth. Soon after joining in September, we will hold a 'Meet the Teacher' session in school for new parents and our Year 2 Class host a 'Welcome to St Mary's' evening social event.
Home / School Partnership
We aim to establish and promote a close relationship with all parents, in the interests of their children. We recognise that children will feel more secure when they receive consistent messages from both home and school.
At St Mary’s School we endeavour to keep parents informed of all aspects of school life through:
Meet the Teacher sessions in the Autumn Term
Our school website
Parents’ evenings held in the Autumn and Spring terms
Open afternoon for children and parents in the Summer term
Regular newsletters
After-school teacher consultation time (by appointment)
Before Your Child Starts School
Office Staff
Mrs Katie Dodgson and Mrs Angela Hawkins are our School Secretaries and your first point of contact until your child starts school. They will be very glad to answer any queries you may have. Please contact them through the School Office at 01252 792406 or Mrs Nicola Scanlon is our School Business Manager.
Our school uniform policy can be found here. We run occasional 'nearly new' sales, which is an excellent way of picking up good quality, good value uniform.
Please name every item, whether a daily essential such as sweatshirts, or things which are needed occasionally, such as wellington boots, snackboxes and sun hats. Name tapes can be ordered from Brenda’s Schoolwear in Frimley Road, Camberley. We do not recommend biro as it quickly fades. Please name school jumpers, coats, etc in the neck, so identifying them is easy for staff.
Equipment needed for school
Your child will not require a pencil case for school.
In Goldfinches, 'homework' is kept to the minimum, so that the children can go home and play, have dinner and get a good night's sleep ready for school the next day. We would encourage you to…
Share their Reading Book with them daily.
Help them learn their set of words and sounds.
Enjoy their library book with them during the week.
The school operates a secure site. Children are dropped off and collected from school via the playground gate. A fire drill is held once a term and the children assemble on the green. Governors regularly carry out site inspections and review security procedures. All visitors are asked to report to the School Office upon arrival.
Your Child’s Health and Wellbeing
Your child's safety and wellbing are our priority. Children learn best when they are fit and well. Therefore, please do not send your child to school if they are ill and inform the School Office by phone or email before 9:15am. Also, if there are any circumstances which are likely to affect your child’s well-being, please inform the school so we can offer you and your child the appropriate support.
Safeguarding/Child Protection
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment. The school has a policy for safeguarding and child protection which is available on this website under Our School/Policies and Forms. A paper copy would be available from the school office on request.
Lunch Time Clubs
The following clubs are run by teachers during lunchtime and there is no charge:
Papercraft Club
Gardening Club
We also have lunchtime clubs run by external providers for Year 1 and Year 2 for which there is a charge.
Chelsea Football Club - Reception Children can join the football club in the summer term. Places are limited in number, and applications are accepted in date order.
Spanish - run by Perfecto Spanish
PE and Games Curriculum
The Governing Body are legally required to provide 10% of teaching time as non contact time for teaching staff, to enable them to work on curriculum planning, preparation and assessments.
To deliver some of this non-contact time we employ a qualified sports coach who teaches part of our PE curriculum each Tuesday morning. Each class has a 50 minute session. The class teacher teaches one other PE lesson a week, either dance or gymnastics, depending on the half term planning.
School Events
In addition to our enriched curriculum, we are commmitted to giving the children an enhanced experience during their time with us and are very proud of our school traditions:
School Worship – all parents and carers are invited to our end of term services in St. Mary’s Church, and occasionally you will be invited to share one of your child's Acts of Worship in school
Helping in School
We are very fortunate to be supported by our parent and carer community for many of our lovely events and activities. Please speak to the School Office or your child's teacher if you would like to help as a regular volunteer in school for reading, forest school or school trips. We require that all parent helpers have been cleared by the Disclosure and Barring Service, DBS (previously known as CRB). Please contact the School Office.
Your Child’s Progress
If you want to speak to your child’s teachers about their progress, or indeed any other matter, they will be happy to see you after school. Mrs Allan is also happy to make appointments to see you at a mutually convenient time. You will also be invited to Parent Evenings for an individual discussion with the Class Teacher during the Autumn and Spring terms.
We hold an Open Afternoon in the Summer term when your child acts as your guide, showing work folders and displays in their current class and taking you to visit their next classroom. You will receive a written annual report at the end of the summer term.
FOSMS - Friend's of St Mary's School
We have a very active and sociable PTA known as FOSMS. Meetings are held regularly and all parents and carers are welcome. Do try to come along as it's a great way of being involved with the school and hearing about and / or helping organise the social events. FOSMS raise funds for the school and runs a number of events such as the Christmas Fayre, quiz nights and curry nights. These are always enjoyable and provide a great opportunity for meeting other parents and staff. We are currently undertaking a big fundraising initiative for a play ground refurbishment in Sopring 2025 and would love your support. For more information about FOSMS click here.
Children, of statutory school age, living a distance of two miles or more and for whom St Mary’s is the nearest school, are entitled to free transport to and from school. In addition, some children living within two miles may be transported as a concession by the County. Details will be given by the Education Call Centre, Tel: 08456 009 009.
Parental Concerns
Complaints Procedure summary
From time to time you may have a query or worry about an aspect of your child’s schooling. What can you do?
We expect all our pupils, staff and parents to listen carefully and respectfully to each other.
In the first instance, any concerns should be discussed with your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.
Where you are unable to resolve the concern with the class teacher you should contact the Headteacher .
In the unlikely event that a complaint has not been addressed to your satisfaction you should contact the Chair of Governors.
A formal complaint in writing to the Governing Body via the Chair should be made if the issue remains unresolved, when it will be addressed by a small panel of Governors.
Should the issue still remain, a formal complaint may be made directly to the Education Committee by contacting the Director of Education on 08456 009 009.
More information about the Complaints Process is available in this comprehensive guidance booklet: Responding to Concerns about Surrey County Council Schools: a guide for parents, carers and the general public
Our Governors wish to point out that the children are not insured during school hours, except in the case of negligence. What this means in effect is that the situation is the same as when children are at home or are visiting friends and relations. There are insurance companies who provide schemes which give continuous protection 24 hours a day which do not depend upon proving negligence by a third party.