Each class has at least two school council members who attend meetings regularly. Their role is to take note during class discussions about areas their peers wish to discuss, such as new resources they would like to buy and projects and charitable initiatives the school might like to focus on. The council members then bring this to the meeting and talk through the areas they wish to be improved and enhanced, and discuss how this might be achieved.
Recent purchases as a result of the School Council's wish list include micro scooters and more mega building blocks for playtimes.
The teachers use this forum to feed back to the pupils any areas to discuss in their classes, such as the types of clubs they would like on offer. One of our meetings was spent discussing what steps we could take to become a 'plastic free' school. Since then, we have undertaken litter picks on Frensham Common with the support of Countryside Ranger Darren Hill, written to some of our school lunch suppliers questioning unnecessary packaging and made posters. We are very proud that we have achieved our Plastic Free School award.
Each year we support Children in Need and council members take an active role in organising the event at school and explaining to their classmates during collective worship about the importance of helping other children. Recently School Council delivered a whole school assembly for World Mental Health Day to talk about ways in which we can help our mental well being and look after each other.